Friday, 26 March 2021


26th March 2021

I when to bed very late last night as I was in the mood to write another chapter for my book on "Meritocracy & Reservations in IITs"

The torrential Rains have stopped and the sky is blue with glorious sunshine over Sydney.

I am in a great mood today as I am overjoyed by the fact that I got to interact with some one very special yesterday. The Person does not know his own potential yet but has what it takes to be the Leader of a Nation whose actions are Governed by the Pulse of the Nation not the praises from Blind Bhakts.

Any way I am brushing my teeth and humming away Cat Stevens song "Morning has Broken", thinking of the Blue Sky outside
(For those not familiar with the Song here is the lyrics of the first verse for you.)

Morning has broken like the first morning
Blackbird has spoken like the first bird
Praise for the singing, praise for the morning
Praise for them springing fresh from the world

Now Enjoy the Song

All Humans are away from home this morning and I have my two beautiful doggies doting on me waiting for their morning treats from Dad. Make my cup of tea, potter around in the nursery tending to my plants and in a very happy mood.

I boot my Apple Mac Pro, my best Companion these days and read news from New York Times and see a email from a very very good friends that says " What do you think ?"

What do I think... It has to be very important with such a cryptic caption I thought. I opened it assuming curiosity was going to kill this cat, but what I saw was a Link to a You Tube Video.

It was breathtaking and I watched it spell bound


Only the Banglas and Tamils of India, can do this meaning I am thinking of Rabindranath Tagore & Subramanya Bharatiyaar our Freedom Fighters and luckily I have links on both sides as, despite being a Telugu Chap. I was brought up in Madras and am married to a Bangla . I felt very proud as I could follow and understand the Bengali Lyrics.

It talks about Justice, Social Economic and Political Liberty of Thought, Expression & belief, Faith & Worship, Equality of Status & Opportunity, Fraternity & assuring the Dignity of Individual Citizen and Unity and Integration of The Nation


Now that you have watched it I have to tell you this forwards comes from an IIT Madras Classmate from a Tamil Iyengar Brahmin who like me does not like what the Current Modi Govt is doing.

It is My Opinion opinion that PM Modi & BJP were not voted in but Congress UPA II was Voted out. The Nation was fed up with Manmohan Singh's pathetic era. The First four years of Modi Govt was exactly what the nation was waiting for and the second election was in fact endorsement of Modi's BJP govts first term.

Then as we all know Power and success can intoxicate people and lead to their downfall. Many Corrupt MPs and MLA's from the Opposition defected to BJP which should never have been allowed. These crooks did it to avoid being investigated.

The Cacophony of endless Praises and Social media promotions from mathlabhi Modi Bhakts has confused the PM of India and he has lost control and is not feeling the Pulse of the Nation as a Whole 80% of which are Non Modi Bhakts.

"In Matters of Conscience the Law of Majority has no place" as Mahatma Gandhi said, especially in Governance - where citizens elect politicians into power, to represent them and serve them and not become despotic Rulers.

Also law of gravity suggest that every thing that goes up has to come down
Majority of the Indian Citizens are dissatisfied and unhappy and it is time for PM Modi to ignore what his blind Bhakts are saying and LIsten to his Critics.

Even now it is not too late for PM Modi to mend his Current Style of Governance. If not the nation will vote accordingly at the next National elections.

The Movement has Begun In Bengal and Tamil Nadu already.

And remember all Indians are farmers by ancestry and in DNA and control the metabolism and pulse rate of India

Jai Hind.

28th March 2021

(Beginning of the End Perhaps)

Four people killed in Bangladesh during protests against visit of PM Modi: Police official
Reuters | Updated: Mar 26, 2021, 19:48 IST

COX'S BAZAR: At least four people were killed in the Bangladeshi city of Chittagongon Friday after police fired rubber bullets at protesters during a demonstration against the visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, a police official said.

"We had to fire teargas and rubber bullets to disperse them as they entered a police station and carried out extensive vandalism," Rafiqul Islam, the police official told Reuters, referring to protesters.

Protests against Prime Minister Modi's visit were also flared in the capital Dhaka, where dozens of people, including two journalists, were injured in clashes with police, witnesses said.

What India needs today: