I am sure every Indian has heard about the "Indian Crab Mentality". If not, it is about a lot of live crabs in a basket and every time any crab gets to the top of the basket and is about to escape from the basket, the other crabs will pull it back down.
Basically it means we Indians will never allow another Indian to succeed at anything.
Indians as Parents are the worst when it comes to controlling and disciplining children. All that you hear growing up as a child is parents and other adults telling you "not to do this and not to do that".
"You cannot play in the mud as you will get sick".
"You cannot ride a bike as you will fall down and break your bones:.
"No You cannot go swimming as you could drown".
"No you cannot ride a motor bike as you can get killed".
"No You cannot go on a school excursion as something bad could happen".
Believe it or not "This is all that I heard in my childhood". Parents were protecting me but I felt like a caged bird growing up.
Also if you did something unique or creative in India, every man and his dog will tell you how it could have been done better. Very few would actually pat you on the back and say "Well Done"
In year seven at school, I sneaked off to Moore Market in Madras and bought secondhand army head phones, rolls of copper wire and a crystal stone. Came home excited and built my first Crystal Radio Set and when it Picked up the shortwave Madras-A and Madras-B Radio Stations, I felt like Marconi himself. Was so very excited, yet all I heard was put that thing away and go do your home work.
Also if you did something unique or creative in India, every man and his dog will tell you how it could have been done better. Very few would actually pat you on the back and say "Well Done"
In year seven at school, I sneaked off to Moore Market in Madras and bought secondhand army head phones, rolls of copper wire and a crystal stone. Came home excited and built my first Crystal Radio Set and when it Picked up the shortwave Madras-A and Madras-B Radio Stations, I felt like Marconi himself. Was so very excited, yet all I heard was put that thing away and go do your home work.
The following year, as a school holidays project, with the help of a Popular Mechanics Magazine, I built from scratch a "Wooden Submarine", with periscope and all, propelled by a strong rubber band and lined with lead sheet to sink below the water surface. In school it won me the first prize in my class after being tested in a water pond at school. Yet Not a soul at home bothered about things that excited me most. Creativity, & Innovation.
In my enthusiasm, again in 8th standard I wired up a small battery bulb and plugged it to the mains 240volts. The Floor was wet and a little copper strand was exposed and I got electrocuted and my cousin pushed me away using a wooden chair and broke the circuit. I still have the scar on my finger and thanks to my cousin Sudhakar I am still here even after he left the world. After that Incident I was banned at experimenting anything electrical at home..
Admission to IIT Madras, was a Blessing in Disguise in may ways. All I wanted to be was an Electronics engineer, at least that is what I thought then; but I did not have the Rank and all seats in Electronics were filled at IITM but I could do electrical engineering I was told at the interview.
Admission to IIT Madras, was a Blessing in Disguise in may ways. All I wanted to be was an Electronics engineer, at least that is what I thought then; but I did not have the Rank and all seats in Electronics were filled at IITM but I could do electrical engineering I was told at the interview.
IITM Director Prof. Sengupta sensed my disappointment and made me an off-the-cuff special offer, that he would get me full scholarship, if I would go to Durgapur University to study Electronics. My father decided my fate in less than a minute. "Building Engineering or we go home" he said. My mother said "your father does not want you joining IITM in Adayar and staying in the hostel, so forget about Durgapur University......."
At IITM living in a hostel at age 18, I was experiencing total freedom 24/7 and I could do anything and everything I wanted to do. Not, my fault as I enjoyed doing so many things, that mugging for periodicals and exams took the back seat to a large extent.
At IITM living in a hostel at age 18, I was experiencing total freedom 24/7 and I could do anything and everything I wanted to do. Not, my fault as I enjoyed doing so many things, that mugging for periodicals and exams took the back seat to a large extent.
I played sport to my hearts content, Cricket, Badminton, Volleyball and Oh My God IITM had a new Skating Rink built next to our hostel I was there skating on borrowed skates every evening after classes until it got dark and mossies started to attack me.
After dinner we had the arts room for keen painters. Inspired by my classmate GnyanChandra a Top artist my very first entry in a comp was a spider on a small plywood piece that won me a consolation prize. Encouraged by this small success I painted a Girl in a Bikini and took it home to show to my mother and sisters. My older sister saw it and got angry and tore it to shreds. It was not what I had painted but the subject I had chosen. To me it was just a girl in a biking from Femina magazine but to her it was obscene :-(
At IITM in our second year I built my very first "2 Transistor Radio Set" with a three inch speaker housed in a Cigar box. On top of the speaker was an inverted stainless steel tumbler. And to my luck we had Vivid Bharati Radio station then. Believe it or not, every one in my wing stepped out of their rooms on to the corridor and asked me to play full volume.
At IITM in our second year I built my very first "2 Transistor Radio Set" with a three inch speaker housed in a Cigar box. On top of the speaker was an inverted stainless steel tumbler. And to my luck we had Vivid Bharati Radio station then. Believe it or not, every one in my wing stepped out of their rooms on to the corridor and asked me to play full volume.
I ran an electric wire from my fist floor room to the third floor terrace and up a pole as an antenna.
This small achievement linked me up with three electronics experts and stalwarts Rudolph Lobo, Jagasivamani and S.Balakrishnan, all experts in building Valve amplifiers.
In My Mind I was Mr Bose, even though I had not heard of Bose Speakers then.
Moved to Australia in 1976 as I did not enjoy my career in Civil Engineering in Govt depts rife with corruption. My Creativity flourished in Sydney as there was no one to tell me "It will not work or Is not something New"
Destiny led me to OZ and unconsciously I switched from Civil Engineering to Acoustics. Even though my Masters was in Building Sciences, I drifted towards my passion "Acoustics and Noise Control" and had a most enjoyable career as an Acoustics engineer.
Looking back I now realise, that my real Passion was Noise and Acoustics and not Electronics.
A few years as an acoustic engineer I was designing, manufacturing and supplying noise control equipment for Commercial High Rise buildings, Hospitals, studios et all. I took some basic products that were on the market then and modified them performance wise as well as lowering costs. Winning an Excellence in Acoutics award & Winning the contract for the Sydney Harbour tunnel against international bids was an icing on the cake not to forget that the Nine Australian Anzac Frigates are fitted with acoustic enclosures around the main propulsion engines manufactured by my company.
None of this would have happened, had I stayed back in India and my family dictated everything I could do or not do.
This perhaps explains why so many Indians fare so well when they migrate to the western world.
Moved to Australia in 1976 as I did not enjoy my career in Civil Engineering in Govt depts rife with corruption. My Creativity flourished in Sydney as there was no one to tell me "It will not work or Is not something New"
Destiny led me to OZ and unconsciously I switched from Civil Engineering to Acoustics. Even though my Masters was in Building Sciences, I drifted towards my passion "Acoustics and Noise Control" and had a most enjoyable career as an Acoustics engineer.
Looking back I now realise, that my real Passion was Noise and Acoustics and not Electronics.
A few years as an acoustic engineer I was designing, manufacturing and supplying noise control equipment for Commercial High Rise buildings, Hospitals, studios et all. I took some basic products that were on the market then and modified them performance wise as well as lowering costs. Winning an Excellence in Acoutics award & Winning the contract for the Sydney Harbour tunnel against international bids was an icing on the cake not to forget that the Nine Australian Anzac Frigates are fitted with acoustic enclosures around the main propulsion engines manufactured by my company.
None of this would have happened, had I stayed back in India and my family dictated everything I could do or not do.
This perhaps explains why so many Indians fare so well when they migrate to the western world.
Would Sundar Pichay be where he is today has he stayed in India ?
I do not think so as his bosses would have crushed him and taught him to do what he was told.
Now I virtually forgot what made me start on this topic.
It was a WhatsApp message from Amaresh, a close buddy in India which follows:
My Reaction was Wow that is a Clever idea " A face mask with Copper to kill Covid"
Yet this was Amaresh's message
(not sure if he penned it or forwarded what he received)
In India we always believed copper had health benefit properties.
1) So cooking was done in copper vessels.
2). Water was stored in copper containers.
3). Copper bands were worn on the wrist was believed to prevent Hypertension.
Now see the new innovation in Australia 😊👆
What is it about us Indians, that we don't like giving credit where it is deserved. This chest thumping and bragging has become worse in the last seven years and the thumpings are getting hollower and hollower.
Let me give another example: Nivvi Radha Krishnan. He is just 18 years old and had he stayed in India would he be where he is today unless his Uncle was Ravi Sastry, or Gavaskar or Ganguli or PM Modi or HM Amit Shah ( look at where his son is Today in BCCI)
My discussion with Amaresh follows:
Pity Indian's don't do much on their own these days besides taking credit for every global innovation saying Indians knew this a thousand years ago. What ever happened to the electronic device that killed covid virus inside buildings and made big headlines.
Now I virtually forgot what made me start on this topic.
It was a WhatsApp message from Amaresh, a close buddy in India which follows:
My Reaction was Wow that is a Clever idea " A face mask with Copper to kill Covid"
Yet this was Amaresh's message
(not sure if he penned it or forwarded what he received)
In India we always believed copper had health benefit properties.
1) So cooking was done in copper vessels.
2). Water was stored in copper containers.
3). Copper bands were worn on the wrist was believed to prevent Hypertension.
Now see the new innovation in Australia 😊👆
What is it about us Indians, that we don't like giving credit where it is deserved. This chest thumping and bragging has become worse in the last seven years and the thumpings are getting hollower and hollower.
Let me give another example: Nivvi Radha Krishnan. He is just 18 years old and had he stayed in India would he be where he is today unless his Uncle was Ravi Sastry, or Gavaskar or Ganguli or PM Modi or HM Amit Shah ( look at where his son is Today in BCCI)
My discussion with Amaresh follows:
Pity Indian's don't do much on their own these days besides taking credit for every global innovation saying Indians knew this a thousand years ago. What ever happened to the electronic device that killed covid virus inside buildings and made big headlines.
May be there is some truth to the Covid cure in Andhra. Instead of researching and investigating it Aiyush has banned it. That is the real India today. Boasted that it supplied 65% of the Vaccine globally yet could not care for it's own population.
What I am trying to say is, give credit where it belongs like appreciating the Aussie invention of a Copper coated mask that could save lives
Amaresh wrote: Agree, we'll do much better if we forego our inflated ego.
Me: Amaresh, the Indian Crab mentality of pulling people down is the root cause for Indian Children's creativity being CURBED & CRUSHED for life.
All that Indian kids hear from their average parents is what not to do. Don't do this don't do that and in the end they end up suppressing all their dreams and creativity and become Robots or Slaves at MNC's.
Amaresh wrote: Agree, we'll do much better if we forego our inflated ego.
Me: Amaresh, the Indian Crab mentality of pulling people down is the root cause for Indian Children's creativity being CURBED & CRUSHED for life.
All that Indian kids hear from their average parents is what not to do. Don't do this don't do that and in the end they end up suppressing all their dreams and creativity and become Robots or Slaves at MNC's.
Aussie kids virtually leave home and become independent by age 18 and lead their lives but with Indian Parents call the shots until they drop dead. Yes when it comes to education and cricket parents with zero credentials, will push their kids into Kota schools and push them harder forcing kids to commit suicides.
Education system in India is the Pits. It is not education but cramming up and regurgitating at exams. There are Indian doctors who don't know which side the liver is (I am not saying all) but how on earth can a qualified doctor not know which side the liver is ? and there are Post Graduates in Industrial Engineering from IIT who do not know how to change "a Flat Tyre"
Covid has exposed Indian education to a large extent as majority Indians do not haver even very basic knowledge of biology, human physiology and anatomy and even if they were bleeding to death they would not know how to stop bleeding with a tourniquet as they have never heard the word "Tourniquet"
Education system in India is the Pits. It is not education but cramming up and regurgitating at exams. There are Indian doctors who don't know which side the liver is (I am not saying all) but how on earth can a qualified doctor not know which side the liver is ? and there are Post Graduates in Industrial Engineering from IIT who do not know how to change "a Flat Tyre"
Covid has exposed Indian education to a large extent as majority Indians do not haver even very basic knowledge of biology, human physiology and anatomy and even if they were bleeding to death they would not know how to stop bleeding with a tourniquet as they have never heard the word "Tourniquet"
Forced early Retirement since 2000 has allowed me the latitude to design and develop, a state of the art "Coat Hanger", "a special car light indicator to warn drivers who are following that you are not turning left but wish to park in a space on the left so don't pull up too close as I will be reversing" and lastly a Sleep Apnea Mask. Having worn sleep apnea masks since 1989 I can vouch my design will help thousands of people Globally yet I am not in a position to spend USD $350K or much more to get FDA approval as it is part of a medical device..
It was only in 2017 that I realised y Passion for Music and singing. Until Then I was just another Bathroom singer. My Gatarahe Blog is testament to the 1000 plus songs I have sung and recorded
As a Father The last thing I wanted to do to my son is Curb Creativity and Originality.
As a Father The last thing I wanted to do to my son is Curb Creativity and Originality.
From an early stage I encouraged him to play Soccer, Rugby and Cricket despite many bleeding noses and injuries like broken finger. I wanted him to be a "Toughy and not a Sissy"
At every stage I discussed pros and cons of issues he confronted and allowed him to make the final decision. He was studying at Sydney Grammar Primary School and it was his decision to quit the grammar school and go to a Govt Selective Public school so he could play Club Cricket.
It was his choice to study either law or business studies and destiny favoured him he was able to do a "double degree" in Law and Business
When he graduated he could have worked for any big law firm or accounting firm like KPMG or Deloitte that Indian Parents like to brag about. He came and told me Dad, like you I do not like working for Bosses and want to be my own boss and start a business.
My response was " You have One life and should do what every you enjoy. If it does not work you always have your degree to fall back on"
The last thing that any one should do in life is work in a job for a life time doing something that you are not passionate about. Why waste your life ? yet this is what 90% of Indians do. all we get told is to study well to get a good job slaving for someone else.
This is where the Asians are different. All of them want to one day or the other start their own businesses and tell you what they work bloody hard. Indians generally are bludgers in comparison.
Son Anand is a Dad and 37 years old in 2021 and makes his own decisions and only comes to his Dad occasionally and what this means is he is fully in charge of his destiny and I can relax during my retirement, Gardening, Cooking, Blogging and Singing in that order daily
I am a Lucky Dad I must Say to have a level headed Son.
As a 74 year old Grandpa, my advice to Young parents "Please do not suffocate your children with negative thinking; try and understand their strengths and weaknesses if possible and encourage them to hone in on what they are passionate about". Never ever try to live your life through your child.
As a 74 year old Grandpa, my advice to Young parents "Please do not suffocate your children with negative thinking; try and understand their strengths and weaknesses if possible and encourage them to hone in on what they are passionate about". Never ever try to live your life through your child.
I was the manager for an Under 16 Cricket Team and we had invited kids to tray out for selections.
There was one Indian Father who kept yelling abuses at his son saying he was useless. So I pulled him aside and told him to stop it as he was not helping in any way. he gave me a lecture of how lazy his son was blah blah. So I tossed him the Cricket ball and told him let me see you bowl to the boys..He said Sorry I have never played Cricket...My look told him never to open his mouth again. This kid was my secret weapon, a left arm swing bowler bowling across to right handed batsman who eventually snicked a ball and were snitched in the slips.
Not every one has to be an Engineer, or a Doctor or a Lawyer or an IT person or a Cricketer as in the last few decades since IPL started.
Also remember Globalisation is a thing of the past and migration to the western industrialised world can no longer be a dream to bet on. Even if Kids go to Kota schools and get into IITs their success is not guaranteed in India unless you are a son and so or have good connections.
There is no limit to Creativity and Ingenuity provided parents nurture their children to think widely.
The Sky is the Limit for Children who want to Fly
Also understand not all Children want to fly or can fly