Friday, 9 July 2021


I am thinking, I should have died eight times by now at the hands of incompetent medicos and misdiagnosis.

Don't get me wrong; all I am saying is like every profession we have "the Good the Bad and the Ugly". Medicos are no exception

When we have a Car we love, we instantly change a mechanic when we think he is no good or ripping us off; yet when it come to our own health and life we tend to have BLIND faith in our doctors, which is Wrong

As a First & Foremost step, all of us need a Family Doctor as they were called before now called GP ie General Practitioner.

Make sure your GP is not a Friend or Family Member and is independent member of the society who is there just to look after your health and nothing else

A GP, who will listen to you and takes notes of your symptoms, physically examines your heart & lungs with a stethescope. sends you for necessary blood tests. 

Watch your GP's Body Language to see if they believe you or think you are a whacko and a hypochondriac. Stay away from GPs & Specialists for whom you are a $$$$ Generator

If I am alive today, I owe it to myself, Dr Google, Friends and Medical Fora world wide and a Handful of Genuine Doctors

I share my experiences sans Doctors Names except ones I believe are God Sends

1953: India: I had cough that would not leave me. Was taken to a TB specialist who did not even examine me and prescribed two injections a day. There was no Vaccine for TB in 1953; so I am not sure if It was Terramycin or Tetracyclin. What ever it was almost killed me in less than three months. Luckily God sent a Good Samaritan who took me to another specialist who told my mother "Which Idiot says he has got TB". You almost lost your Child. He has what is called Whooping Cough. He compounded a Bottle of Medicine and filled a graduated bottle and said give this to him twice a day until finished and I promise you he wont need any more treatment. It Cost my Mother a Whole Ten Rupees in 1953 to keep me alive; but a lot of damage was done to my metabolism and autoimmune system with four months of Wrong treatment for TB.

1960: at age 14 I had pain in both my knees which clicked with every squat ( remember we had only Indian Toilets then). So my medico sister took me to Head of Ortho at Madras GH. He examined me and said "Congenital Discoid Cartilege" Without even X Ray. Both knees need operated or else he will end up with locked knees. My Dad got furious and said "No Man is going to operate on his legs. Leave it to God". Dad was right. I am 74 now and still no locked knees. Imagine surgery to both my knees. I'd have been in a wheel chair all my life

1960 to 1976 : Was mostly Ok but for constant coughs and colds and a sinus problems with blocked nose which I managed to live with using Otrivin spray. Plus three of my sisters were doctors to look after my health

1976 to 1980: Sydney

A Prolapsed Spinal disk causing Sciatica which was a mechanical problem. I hurt my back lifting a fridge and was on my back in bed for two long weeks before I could even sit up. Found my way to hospital ER, and the lady medical registrars first question to me was is this a workers compo case .I said "what do you mean" and she said "is this a Lebanese back?". Workers compensation insurance rorts was very common then. I am still living with a crook back as I have refused spinal surgery

1982: My GP friend sent me to an ENT Surgeon. Dr Bridger; was his very appropriate name as he bridged crooked noses. I did not even sit down in his office he tilted my head backwards and mumbled Rhinitis and told his secretary to book me in for a septum deviation surgery. 

Was taken to the theatre and got told It would take max 30 minutes and I will be back in the ward in about 2 hours. Nine Hours I was still not back in the ward. 

Guess what. They almost lost me in them operating theatre as I stopped breathing and No surgery took place. This Doctor and his anaesthetist did not even have the decency to come and explain to me what happened. It was the night nurse who told me in confidence that I almost died and not to come back to this doctor. Another God Send with a message - moe like Florence Nightingale as she came at about 2.00am to check on me. 

I got the same surgery performed by a Dr Williams despite me giving him problems and ended up with a crooked nose for life as he took away too much cartilage. 

1985 In had my inguinal hernia caused by whooping cough as a kid operated with no problems at all.

1989: Was diagnosed with Sleep Apnea caused by my snoring and have used CPAP Therapy since. 

Hated it but had to grin and bear it so my wife could sleep without an engine revving in bed next to her. 

Good Happy life of eating and drinking I developed High BP and pills were prescribed. No major dramas

1998: had lunch at home and went to watch an indoor cricket match. One of the teams was short of a player so I was asked to play. Go in pairs and face max 2 overs of batting. My partner was a highly energetic young man and made me run so much that when I came out after 2 overs, I just collapsed with my heart pounding away. A doctor who was at hand checked me thoroughly and said it was not a heart problem but one of Reflux caused by strenuous exercise after a meal. 

Off to a gastroenterologist who had serious problems intubating me for the procedure and pronounced I had a Small Hiatus hernia and Oesophagal ulcers and prescribed Losec.

Year 2000:

All my Real Health Dramas started on 13th April 2000 when I got my Milenium Gift - "A Brain Stem Stroke"

Months prior to my stroke, I told my then GP a Lady Doctor of all my weird symptoms, like shortness of breath, visual disturbances, hands wanting to go to sleep when driving. etc etc etc

She was happy to label me a Hypochondriac but sent me to an Ophthalmologist, Neurologist and a Cardiologist all of whom failed to diagnose my problems and I ended up with a Brain Stem Stroke

2000 - Neurologist at RPAH: Pronounced I had suffered a Brain stem stroke caused by a Dissected Right Vertebral Artery, a Typical Text Book case as seen only in autopsies and not expected to live.

So he put me on Heparin left me at the hands of his registrar and went on Easter Holidays. I had severe hiccups and heard the registrar saying "if the stroke did not kill this man,  the hiccups will".

Three weeks in hospital on Heparin and hundreds of visitors including ten professional doctors all of whom put on a long face and studied the info on my medical charts hung at the foot of my bed but never uttered a word or asked the registrar any questions.

At that Point of time, I did not know what a vertebral artery was and where it was and how it supplied blood to my brain stem. Was in the dark for 3 weeks in hospital and 5 weeks in rehab before I got home using a walking stick

All I did until my next appointment with the neurologist was doing Internet searches to understand what caused my stroke and what "a dissection of an artery meant".

Imagine a garden hose which has 2 linings an inner and an outer. If say the car runs over the hose flattening it. then the inner tubing can develop a longitudinal crack and water might start flowing between the inner and outer tubing until it blocks water flow totally, without any water leaking out

Two things happened in the process of Internet searches using an XT Computer with a 40meg hard disc and a floppy drive. I found a Specialist Vascular surgeon in Oregon USA who was an expert in doing a vertebral artery bypass restoring blood flow to the regions of the brain stem that was affected. 

I shared my MRI images with him and he said surgery was out of question for me as it was  six months way too late since the stroke plus the problem was not in my neck but my brain stem making surgery very risky but recommended, I see a Haematologist ASAP as my problem was Blood related

When I told my neurologist about vertebral artery bye pass he was truly pissed off saying he was my specialist and how dare you consult some one in USA using internet searches and take his advice....

I realised the man was out of his depth. So I asked him to refer me to a haematologist more swearing and he said "If you want to see a haematologist go and see a bloody haematologist and scribbled Dr Harry Illand on a piece of paper. That was the last time I saw this quack of a neurologist at RPAH

Prof Harry Illand my God Send:

He said give me a minute I will check all blood reports on the hospital computer system. He came Back red faced and swearing saying my Platelet Count was 890 and the neurologist should have contacted haematology immediately. 

Well this was the first time I heard the word PLATELET. Normal range then in year 2000 was 150 to 300 and my count at the time of the stroke was 890. Believe it or not; Surprising I am still alive after 21 years.

Within the hour a Bone Marrow test was conducted and the diagnosis was ESSENTIAL THROMBO CYTOSIS

I liked Prof Illand as he had time for me and explained things truthfully. I could tell he knew his stuff and was a caring doctor.

I asked him Doc I have a Stupid question so, please do not get upset. 

He has a Chuckle and says "Good question Ram. It just means we doctors don't know why your platelet count went so high" in other words it was essentially what the medicos did not know

2000 to 2012: I have consulted as many as 18 different neurologists Mostly the lot in Sydney, one in Singapore, Three in India Two in UK and a few on line in USA. No one had answers and it was a question of Inky Pinky Ponky what medicine can I give this Donkey based on my symptoms.

Doctor in Singapore did a Transcranial doppler and put me on Ginko Biloba and a medicine called Sibelium. I was desperate to get well so I took both. Ginko was a blood thinner and Sibelium was banned in Australia which I did not know. 

One neurologist decided I needed to see a psychologist and it was my psychologist who said, "when I talk to you, I don't believe you have any psychological issues". Give me a few hours and I will call you at home if I have to.  At 10.00 pm he called me and said Stop the Sibelium right now as that is causing most of your problems and the medicine is banned in Australia and No more Ginko as you could bleed to death I did that every night even though he told me not to stop abruptly

2012: Sheer accident I got to see Neurologist Dr Penelope Spring at Canterbury Hospital another God send

She examines me for over and hour to see why I blacked out and ended up in Emergency in ICU and decided it was not neurological but could be a Vit B-12 deficiency caused by excessive metformin and Insulin for Diabetes which my Endocrinologist of eight years did not do anything about as she was another pill pusher and money counter

Meanwhile I found out from other diabetics in the Diabetes forum that I must be having Type 1.5 diabetes called LADA. Latent Auto Immune Diabetes in Adults also known as metabolic syndrome. My endo did not want to hear about this at all so I sacked her too

Dr Spring refers me to a new endocrinologist who agrees I do not have Type 2 Diabetes but Type 1.5 Diabetes also known as LADA which is Latent Auto Immune Diabetes in Adults aka Metabolic Syndrome

I asked Dr Bronwyn Crawford what does this mean doc ?.

This means your pancreas are producing insulin all right but your body cells are rejecting all insulin and as a result your pancreas are working over time trying to bring the blood sugars down and over taxed

That very day she prescribed FORXIGA Tablets one a day and I tossed all insulin and my weight came down from 110 kgs to 78 Kgs Today. This would not have happened but for Dr Penelope Spring

Again it was Dr Penelope Spring who diagnosed my Myelo Fibrosis and not my haematologist Dr.Trotman who was seeing me for a few years.

I get told it is a very rare form of Leukemia and I could live one or two years without treatment and say 5 to 10 years with treatment

Since May 2018 I am taking 15mg of Jakavi twice a day.

This is a new drug and I do not know what it is doing. whether it is helping me or Killing me slowly. My Doctor also does not know as it is a new medicine approved by Govt and medicare and costs Aud $ 5000 a month for which I pay $5 a month minus all the zeros

From 2003 to 2016 my GP was Dr Darrel Weinman a neurologist from Sri Lanka who became a GP in OZ as his qualifications were not recognised to practice as a neurologist. 

It was my good fortune a Good Samaritan recommended I see Dr Weinman and I felt safe until Dr Weinman left this world in 2017 at age 85. May his Soul RIP

2017 and 2018: I was in Limbo without a GP I trusted. I was seeing a GP who was willing to, listen to me and every visit was charged as a long visit meaning more money but he did nothing

2018 January I needed a Pacemaker desperately as my Cardiologist of ten years kept telling me I was imagining everything it was all in my head my heart was fine and that my shortness of breath was caused Exercised Induces asthma.

This man was definitely was there to make money from sick people as even before he checked me out he would make my next appointment to see him in three months so I was seeing his 4 times a year when he did the same ECG and Echo and charged my heath insurance thousands of dollars

The surgeon who implanted my pace maker told my son "Your dad is lucky as he had stage three Bradicardia" ( sheer medical negligence by another quack) 

I had to investigate to find out how he missed diagnosing my condition. He was using an obsolete ECG machine with six leads and one with 12 leads was required for diagnosing bradicardia.  I have a remote for my Pacemaker that was sitting in a box as he did not refer me to a cardiologist who could be contacted by my machine using WiFi. I had to give him the flick too as he almost had me killed the quack.

Another God send I meet in 2018: Dr Vasudha Sridharan

I was not happy with my GP so I went to a much bigger clinic with a number of Specialists and as I was waiting to get blood tests done, and out of he corner of my eye (meaning despite my Whatsapp)  I spotted this young Indian lady doctor and observed patients were queuing up to see her. I asked reception if I could see that doctor and receptionist says she is extremely popular and busy you can see some one else if you wish. I said "No I want to see this Lady doctor. Receptionist reluctantly booked me if for the following week.

At my first appointment with Dr Vasudha Sritharan,  I tell her I have too many complex health issues and co morbidities. Are you happy me being your patients and she says "I will look after you like I will look after my own Dad" and I looked up at he ceiling and said to myself "Thank You God"

2021 - My health is going down hill fast. I have serious issues with low haemoglobin, very very low Platelet Count, almost no Iron in my Blood which had plummeted to 3.0.

Some one who could keep walking all day and working in the garden for six hors continuously, today I have zero energy, have chronic fatigue and am very short of breath, very very low in Blood Iron being the main factor.

My GP Dr. Vasudha is on the Ball and organised an Iron Infusion that I received yesterday the 8th of July 2021

My Own Discoveries in July 2021:

My friend Raju Jairam in Colorado was pretty concerned about my health deteriorating so fast and has spent a whole week doing google searches and sending me links articles of relevance from Mayo Clinic which I have blogged in my Health Tid Bits Blog

Essential Thrombocytocis: in 2021 suggests a high platelet count of 890 is linked to either Lung or Stomach disorders like cancers or other complex conditions. In 1998 I was told I had oesophagal ulcers. 
Now I know it was not essential Thrombocytosis  but body trying to prevent me bleeding to death internally. 

So It was not essential at all but body defence system on over drive

Vertebral artery Dissection:
another wrong diagnosis as MRI shows nothing inside a dissected artery. I had suffered a Brain stem stroke caused by Occlusion of the right vertebral artery due to High Platelets as diagnosed by Dr Harry Illand

Dengue Fever:
in 2009 Dengue fever brought my Platelet count down overnight from 500 to 200. That is when my Anti Platelet medicine Plavix should have been removed but no specialist wanted to take the risk. 

My Platelet count was being suppressed more and more for no reason considering it was in the correct range. But then my GP Dr Weinman could not challenge a Specialist. That is the weakness in Australian medical system

2018: Myelofibrosis:
To the already suppressed Platelet count a New Medicine Jakavi was added for treating Myelo Fibrosis. 

No one told me it was also an anti platelet drug and I assumed it was going to push my platelets count up

2021: I am on 8 mg of warfarin, a Rat Poison and two platelet suppressant drugs and as a civil engineer I am wondering "How I have not collapsed and am still standing on two legs"

Ninety percent of my problems are each and every specialist treating me as an organ as opposed to being a full human being with multiple organs. 

Most specialists prescribe medicines not knowing if there are contra indications with what other specialists have prescribed.

Even if they know what medications I am on, they have no clue what so ever.

One has to be lucky to have a clever pharmacist who cares.

Fortunately for me I had my buddy Jim the chemist who was there to protect me and save me. He said Ram you cannot take Plavix and Losec together as Losec renders the Plavix ineffective.

He has said "No" to many antibiotics that were prescribed by specialists willy nilly.

Unfortunately not all senior citizens understand and also buy prescribed medications from any chemist

When I am at the chemist I have observed one thing most of the customers are geriatrics and every one takes home a bagful meaning all oldies have medicines over prescribed who cares ? 

What can the chemist do besides dispensing prescribed medicines

I have found out last few days that Somac Neutralises Iron Tablets and that Vit-D Tablets should not be taken with Iron Tablets and best to separate blood thinners and platelet medicines from others. and Have to take Vit C when I take Iron tablets to increase absorption of Iron

Thanks to my new Chemist Young Nader.  I am now taking my Warfarin and Plavix at 4.00pm. four hours before my night medicines. No doctor ever told me about this. Wonder why ?

I am still on my feet and my brain is working overtime to stay alive with the help of all my God sends despite the quacks raking in money

If You have come this far then you are either brave or concerned about my welfare. Appreciate both .

My Latest Findings from Publications:(Mostly from Mayo Clinic shared by Raju)

  • Myelofibrosis is an uncommon type of bone marrow cancer that disrupts your body's normal production of blood cells.
  • Myelofibrosis often causes an enlarged spleen.
  • Myelofibrosis is considered to be a chronic leukemia — a cancer that affects the blood-forming tissues in the body

Symptoms include:
  • Feeling tired, weak or short of breath, usually because of anemia
  • Easy bleeding
  • Excessive sweating during sleep (night sweats)
  • Fever
  • Bone pain
  • Easy bruising
  • Pain or fullness below your ribs on the left side, due to an enlarged spleen
Complications that may result from myelofibrosis include: 

Increased pressure on blood flowing into your liver. Normally, blood flow from the spleen enters your liver through a large blood vessel called the portal vein. Increased blood flow from an enlarged spleen can lead to high blood pressure in the portal vein (portal hypertension). This in turn can force excess blood into smaller veins in your stomach and esophagus, potentially causing these veins to rupture and bleed.

Now I believe that I am probably having bleeds in. y oesophagus or stomach and not spotted in the stools as the bloodm gets fully digested in the stomach and small intestines.

My Gasteroenterologhist says, he will take all necessary precautions re my problem with intubation as he has to find out now what is happening in my digestive system, before it is too late.

I lost a good friend who was 120 years younger than me to Stomach cancer in Hyderabad. He vomited blood and died.
My Dr Sister also died of bleeding from Oesophagal varices from a Hep-C Needle infection she picked up in UK

Esophageal varices are abnormal, enlarged veins in the tube that connects the throat and stomach (esophagus). This condition occurs most often in people with serious liver diseases. Esophageal varices develop when normal blood flow to the liver is blocked by a clot or scar tissue in the liver.

Wish me Luck with  my Endoscopy

